YouTube India has finally announced the return of an in-person YouTube Creator Camp that is going to take place on 26 September 2023 in Mumbai. And the day after the Creator Camp event is scheduled for YouTube FanFest, a gathering of top creators performing live in the presence of a huge audience.
Creator Camp is the ultimate workshop for YouTubers which every budding creator dreams of attending because here the top creators share their success tips with the young creators. Since 2020 it has been hosted online and now, after three years, YouTube Creator Camp 2023 is back again with an in-person event.
“Creators!!! We’re excited to announce the return of the ultimate celebration of creativity and passion — YouTube Creator Camp India 🚀 Yes, we’re back with the event happening on 26 Sep 2023“, YouTube Creators India, an official channel by YouTube India focused on YouTube news, updates and educating creators, posted a community post confirming about the Creator Camp.
Want to know more about how YouTube’s latest offerings can help you unleash your creativity? Or maybe you want to learn about how to better monetize your content? Perhaps you want to ask your favourite creators the secret to their success. Well, all that and much more await you at this Creator Camp event.
Earlier, many famous YouTubers like Bhuvan Bam (BB Ki Vines), Amit Bhadana, Gaurav Chaudhary (Technical Guruji), Gaurav Taneja (Flying Beast), Prajakta Koli (MostlySane), Ranveer Allahbadia (BeerBiceps), Aksh Baghla, Nikhil Sharma (Mumbiker Nikhil), Shlok Srivastava (Tech Burner) and many of your favourite creators have been the panellists of YouTube Creator Camp sharing their content creation journey, success secrets and how new creators can grow and make a viable career on YouTube.
And this year also, you can expect many of your favourite YouTube creators to share their learnings on YouTube Creator Camp in Mumbai.
If you’re also a content creator on YouTube, then you can click here to register for YouTube India Creator Camp 2023. You can easily log in with your Google account or email and then proceed with filling out details about you and your YouTube channel. After registration, you will get a confirmation email after a few days and then you can attend this YouTube content creation-focused workshop being organised by YouTube itself.
I am so excited ☺️