How Sidhant Kumar of n0c tech is Decarbonising Industries to Net Zero?

Hemant Kumar

n0c tech Decarbonizing Industries

Meet Sidhant Kumar, founder and CEO of n0c tech and a second-time entrepreneur who is trying to decarbonise industries to meet the net zero carbon emission as envisioned by the Paris Agreement.

After the acquisition of his first startup Halanx, an AI-powered fintech platform, Sidhant has been working on a climate-tech breakthrough to help industries reduce their carbon footprint and minimise the risks associated with climate change.

Nowadays, climate change is one of the biggest challenges mankind is going through and its impact can be easily observed everywhere in the world. Industries, being the major contributors to carbon dioxide emissions, need to really look into their industrial processes and implement solutions that can minimise the risk of global warming.

As per the ‘CO2 Emissions in 2022report by the International Energy Agency, global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from energy combustion and industrial processes grew to an all-time high of 36.8 billion metric tons.

This huge amount of emissions by industries like power plants, steel plants, cement plants, oil and gas refineries, transportation and shipping industries has increased the average global temperature leading to extreme weather and climate-related disasters like floods, droughts, forest fires, avalanches, heatwaves, species extinction, human health hazards, etc.

There are many ways to decarbonize industries and reduce emissions, like electrifying industries, and replacing infrastructure with CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) technology; but that will take decades, and trillions of dollars of investment by companies, to reach the Net Zero Target by 2050. Also, these expensive ways can’t be adopted so easily by corporations, and there is an urgent need for some low-cost alternatives.

Industries want some plug-and-play decarbonizing solutions with low investment and hence consider carbon capture from industrial sources and direct air as a promising solution to their emission problem. But traditional technologies like liquid amine scrubbing-based carbon capture have been very big, expensive, and extremely complex with very high energy consumption, and high CapEx and OpEx. 

And here comes the invention of Sidhant Kumar, a containerised Advanced Electric Carbon Capture Machine to capture CO2 from industrial sources & atmosphere that costs 85% less and consumes 50% less energy than traditional solutions.

n0c tech Carbon Capture Machine
Inside view of the containerised Carbon Capture Machine of n0c tech

As a 24-year-old young engineer & scientist who studied at New York University & Delhi Technological University (Formerly DCE), Sidhant has written multiple research papers in advanced engineering and has also invented a new carbon-negative building material (alternative to high carbon emission concrete), a UV curable bio-nano composite for 3D-printing buildings.

He has also done research in medical robotics, especially nano-robotics for treating CNS disorders to deliver therapeutics using magnetic field-driven nano-robots. 

Now, Sidhant, with his team of engineers, is building n0c tech, a California and Delhi-based deep tech startup to commercialise the invented carbon capture tech and help industries in their decarbonization goals to reach a net zero carbon future. 

The n0c team is working with the National Physical Laboratory, Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, and Delhi Technological University Labs, and has successfully tested the carbon capture prototype, and is on its way to collect pre-orders for the upcoming containerised Advanced Electric Carbon Capture Machine to capture CO2 from industrial sources & atmosphere.

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