Harsh Beniwal, a popular YouTube creator famous for making comedy skits and web series, has shared a reel on Instagram with the trending song of Milind Gaba, ‘She Don’t Know’ which goes like ‘Haan Din Vichon Tere Lai Time Kadh Ke, Karda Main Promise Milan Aaunga‘.
The song was released on YouTube back in 2019, but it has now become a viral music on Instagram after four years. Many people are making reels and short videos with this song, and Harsh also posted a video with this trending music on Instagram.
Not only that, he also shared the meme template with the song ‘Din Vich Tere Liye‘ where he can be seen dancing behind a green screen. Any video creator can use this video and use it by editing and adding his own footage behind him.
One of the top YouTubers in India, Harsh Beniwal is already famous in the meme world for his ‘Samajh Rahe Ho Aap’ meme which went viral after he uploaded ‘A Day with Cringe TikToker’ video in 2020.
Memes are a great way to get engagement on social media and Harsh Beniwal truly understands its importance. With the posting of his video and sharing the meme template, many people have already created reels using his video with this trading song on Instagram.
If you also want to use this meme template, then you can download it from here.