How to Get Your Startup Featured in YourStory?

Editorial Team

How to Get Featured on YourStory

YourStory is one of the most credible and sought-after media platforms for startups and entrepreneurs. Founded by Shradha Sharma in 2008, YourStory Media is the single most definitive storytelling platform for entrepreneurs, innovators and change-makers.

To get featured in YourStory is a dream for all entrepreneurs and startup founders because it has been the voice of the Indian startup ecosystem since its inception when mainstream media didn’t bother to cover the stories of new-age startups.

Today, YourStory Media is the single most influential and definitive storytelling platform for startups, entrepreneurs, investors, creators and changemakers, having published more than 100,00 stories and fostering a collaborative environment for India’s burgeoning startup ecosystem.

How to Get Featured in YourStory?

To get featured in YourStory, you can contact its editorial team through its website or get connected to its editors on different social media like LinkedIn, Instagram or Twitter.

You can also send an email to the founder, Shradha Sharma ([email protected]) or any editor requesting to feature your startup or you as an entrepreneur.

The Contact Us page of its website has an option also through which you can request a featured story on YourStory by filling out a simple form giving details about you and your startup. The option is under the ‘Editorial‘ section saying ‘Say hello to our editors here.

If you want to increase your probability of getting featured in a popular media like YourStory, then you can first get some media coverage in some similar platforms that are not that big and they can really help your startup story to get some eyeballs and make a buzz in the entrepreneurial space.

Also if their editors somehow get to know about your story and the kind of work you’re doing, then they can reach out to you directly and in this way also you can get featured in YourStory.

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